• Chickens,  Farm Life

    Building My Chicken Coop

    So you are finally ready to get to building your chicken coop! Since you have your individual needs your building may differ from mine. I do want to share with you what we did when building my chicken coop. You have done your research after reading 5 Things to Consider When Building a Chicken Coop. You have purchased all your materials you needed from that research and was able to do it on a budget because you read Shopping to Build Your Chicken Coop on a Budget! Great work, now lets get down to business. Materials Needed for Building My Chicken Coop I have a LOT of chickens, 63 to…

  • Chickens,  Farm Life

    Shopping to Build Your Chicken Coop on a Budget

    You want to learn how to build your chicken coop on a budget. You are going to love this post! I am going to be teaching you how to comparative shop so that you can build your chicken coop on a budget. Let’s get to comparing, those chickens need a home! Quick Recap of the Things You Should Have in Place You should: Have a budget that you are going to be spending on your coop. Know what size your coop is going to be and have a list of necessary materials to build it. You should have the necessary tools and skills needed to complete construction of your coop…

  • Chickens,  Farm Life

    5 Things to Consider When Building a Chicken Coop

    So you’re thinking about building a chicken coop? You have made up your mind to be a chicken farmer and do this coop thing yourself. Congratulations! Hey wait, hold your feathers there a minute. There is much more needed than an image in your mind, wood and nails. . How Much Space do you Need in Your Coop? One of the first and most important things to consider when building your chicken coop is the space you are going to need. Space will be based on the amount of chickens you have or plan to have. Do not do what we did and build a coop then decide you want…